Hugely Promising PV Market to Lead Energy Drive in Brazil
Hugely Promising PV Market to Lead Energy Drive in Brazil
Brazil's newly installed PV capacity may reach 12 GW in 2022, including 8.9 GW from distributed generation, which includes all PV systems not exceeding 5 MW in size, and 3.2 GW from utility-scale solar.
HIGHLIGHTS:-Brazilian authorities introduced new rules to ensure that PV systems below 5 MW in size would still be eligible for net metering tariffs until 2045. A grid fee for prosumers will go into effect from 2023, but the economic profitability of rooftop PV and small solar parks is expected to remain high.
Hugely Promising PV Market to Lead Energy Drive in Brazil
February 22,19:00PM - 21:00PM (Brazil Time)
19:00 - 19:10 PM
Opening Address Ministério de Minas e Energia
19:10 - 19:30 PM
Energy commercialization -Presentation (15 minutes)Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica
19:30 - 19:45 PM
Presentation (15 minutes)-GCL
19:45 - 20:30 PM
Capex increase and the feasibility of solar projects in DG and in the Free Market( To be updated)
20:30 - 21:00 PM
Q & A Session
Hugely Promising PV Market to Lead Energy Drive in Brazil
Fernando Flach
Membro Titular
Presidente da Comissão de Energia e Infraestrutura da OAB/RS desde 2009, Membro do Comitê de Planejamento de Energia do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (COPERGS), desde 2011. Secretário Geral da Comissão de Energia do Conselho Federal da OAB.
Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica - ANEEL
Marcio Mattos
Head of Integrated Solutions
ENGIE Brasil
More than ten years of experience with management of projects, strategies on national and international sales, working constantly with the development of new projects, businesses and branches, always in the energy market.
Diamond Sponsor
Hugely Promising PV Market to Lead Energy Drive in Brazil
Hugely Promising PV Market to Lead Energy Drive in Brazil
Hugely Promising PV Market to Lead Energy Drive in Brazil
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