EDP has launched the first hybrid solar and wind farm in Aragon, the 'Rabosera' project, located in the municipality of Luna (Zaragoza) and which totals 40 megawatts (MW) of installed capacity between both technologies.
The Rabosera wind farm had 31.3 MW of installed wind power, which the energy company has been operating for years, to which it now adds 8.7 MWp of solar power, distributed among more than 15,000 solar panels.
In total, the park will produce energy equivalent to the average annual electricity consumption of 4,000 homes - more than 14,000 megawatt hours (MWh) per year . In environmental terms, as it is 100% renewable energy, the entire production of the park will avoid the emission of 1,700 tons of CO2 each year.
EDP's hybrid park
With the launch of this park, EDP has reinforced its commitment to renewable energy in the community, where it operates more than 500 MW in different wind farms.
In addition, with this park, the company has already exceeded 140 MW of hybrid power in the country. The combination of both technologies, wind and solar, allows for an increase of up to 40% in electricity production in these hybrid parks and is one of the main avenues for growth in renewable energies, because it allows for the acceleration of the entry into operation of greater renewable capacity, without the need to wait for long processing times for new projects.