The renewable project that plans to deploy 7,000 solar panels on the buildings of the campus of the Public University of Navarra (UPNA) in Arrosadia (Pamplona), contemplates the installation of 3.5 MW of peak power of photovoltaic modules, with an estimated annual generation of electricity of about 4 GWh. According to a note from the Navarrese Government, the assembly of the panels, which will be completed this December, will allow reaching a level of electrical self-consumption close to 50%. In addition, the energy not consumed on the campus (around 25% of the 4 GWh), equivalent to the consumption of about 250 medium-sized homes, will be poured into the electrical grid. This renewable infrastructure has a total budget of 3.8 million euros, financed for the most part (3.1 million) by the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism of the Next Generation Funds of the European Union.
Specifically, the 7,000 solar panels that have been installed since June will occupy an area close to 14,000 square meters. Thus, these modules will cover all the buildings on the Arrosadia campus, except the library, and will cover the classrooms, general facilities, cafeteria, dining rooms and workshops, as well as the sports facilities and the agricultural practice and experimentation farm.
This action is part of the UPNA Green Smart & Sustainable Campus project, which will turn UPNA into a sustainable and intelligent campus by reducing its consumption of primary energy from non-renewable sources by more than 30%. The Department of University, Innovation and Digital Transformation of the Government of Navarra has been in charge of transferring the funds from the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda to the UPNA, which in addition to the photovoltaic panels, plans to install, in 2024, a system of batteries to accumulate excess electrical energy.