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Robert Habeck introduce photovoltaic strategy

Energy Box

In order to further accelerate the expansion of photovoltaics, Robert Habeck intends to adapt the existing regulations. Details are included in the new PV strategy.

At the first photovoltaic summit, Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck presented a new solar strategy to the participating federations and federal state representatives. The aim is to further accelerate the expansion of photovoltaics. The acceleration of photovoltaic expansion achieved last year by almost 30 percent compared to the previous year is encouraging. However, in order to achieve the target, it must also be successful in the next four years。

Habeck also refers to the higher remuneration rates already last year and the higher maximum prices for tenders at the beginning of this year, which should ensure an acceleration. We need to push ahead with the expansion of renewable energies with all our efforts and that can only be achieved together with all stakeholders," Carsten Körnig said during the PV Summit. "Now it's time for implementation, and solar expansion in particular offers great opportunities here," he emphasises with regard to the draft PV Strategy.

The strategy comprises eleven basic measures. This is intended to simplify the construction of open-air installations. To this end, the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs (BMWK) wants to clarify, among other things, the building use regulations for PV systems in commercial and industrial areas and facilitate the regulations for agri-PV systems. In order to simplify the construction of roof systems also in the commercial sector, the BMWK wants to raise the limit for the direct marketing obligation and lower the necessary technical requirements. In addition, the Ministry will examine whether the current regulations on plant aggregation are counterproductive and need to be adapted.


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