The Lleida engineering company Sivortex, which will use the floating solutions of the French company Ciel&Terre, is embarked on the development of a huge floating PV park in the Segarra-Garrigues Canal, a hydraulic infrastructure located in the province of Lleida (Spain) and intended for irrigation of more than 70,000 hectares of crops in the regions of Las Garrigas, Noguera, Plana de Urgel, Segarra, Segriá and Urgel (the management of this Canal is about to be transferred to the Generalitat, which starting next month - March 1 - will be in charge of carrying out the material tasks of operation, conservation and maintenance of the Canal in question). Well, in Segarra-Garrigues what is destined to become the largest floating photovoltaic solar park in Europe is being developed.
Regulation and irrigation reservoirs and even marine bays can house - they explain from Sivortex - systems of floats and photovoltaic panels capable of generating, "with greater performance, thanks to the cooling of the plate" (natural cooling due to the proximity of the shaded sheet of water), "energy close to the points of consumption, whether from pumping stations, technological irrigation, irrigation communities, water treatment plants or desalination plants." All this -continues Sivortex-, without affecting the drinkability of the water and reducing losses due to evaporation. Currently, Sivortex is working on more than a dozen of these photovoltaic park projects on sheets of water for canals and irrigation communities, among which is the Segarra-Garrigues Canal, which will have 15 MWp.