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Iberdrola building an initiative solar-wind hybrid power complex in Spain

Spanish utility Iberdrola said on Monday that it is currently building 74 MW of solar for hybrid power complex in Spain.

The company is constructing two photovoltaic (PV) plants of 41MW and 33MW respectively, which will have more than 170,000 modules and will be located in the Burgos municipalities of Revilla Vallejera, Villamedianilla and Vallejera.

They will enable the hybridisation of the existing 69MW BaCa - Ballestas and Casetona - wind farm.

The initiative will contribute to the development of local economy in Castille and León with peak construction involving 360 jobs.

The company has allocated more than €40m to the construction of the project.

Wind and solar hybridisation makes it possible to optimize the use of the grid while minimizing the environmental impact of the projects.

Iberdrola will invest in this technology over the coming years in Spain, with which it aims to improve its renewable resources and make the most of existing locations.

The incorporation of solar modules will increase the performance of existing wind facilities, Iberdrola said.

It will contribute clean, cheap and competitive energy to the electricity system by guaranteeing the maximum supply of green energy originally authorised for each project, for as long as possible.

By having two technologies capable of alternating, dependence on changing environmental conditions and limitations due to possible lack of resources such as wind or sunshine is significantly reduced, facilitating more stable and efficient renewable production.

The hybrid generation plants use the same grid connection point and share infrastructures, such as the substation and the evacuation line for the electricity produced.

In addition, they are located on land that was already used for renewable generation and allow for common roads and facilities for the operation of both technologies.

All of this results in a much lower environmental impact than would have been the case with two independent plants, Iberdrola said.

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