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Spain Achieves Record Monthly Renewable Energy Production and Coverage in March

The renewable coverage in the mix was 65.2%, and the monthly production was 14,591 GWh. Generation without emissions accounts for 82.2% of the total and reaches its highest share since records began, according to REE.

According to data shared by Red Eléctrica (REE), renewables reached their highest monthly contribution in March since records began, with 14,591 GWh, which represented 65.2% of the total mix , also a maximum. Production with renewables during this month of March has experienced an increase of 15.6% compared to the same month of the previous year.

Wind power, which has generated 27.1% of the total, has been the leading technology for the sixth consecutive month, with a production of 6,061 GWh. Hydraulic is next with a production of 4,937 GWh, the highest amount recorded since May 2016. In March, hydraulic contribution accounted for 22% of the total in Spain. For its part, in third position among renewable technologies, solar photovoltaics recorded 3,047 GWh in March and obtained a share of 13.6%.

Wind and solar have generated less in March of this year than in March 2023. However, the sum of all renewable energies has gone from generating 54.76% in March of the previous year to 67.88% this year.

The total of peninsular renewables generated 67.6% of the total in March, with a production of 14,411 GWh, 16.1% more than in the same month of the previous year. For their part, emission-free technologies contributed 85.7% of the total.

Furthermore, emissions-free production has reached its best record this month, generating 82.2% of the total in Spain.

In the Balearic Islands, the combined cycle, with 68.7% of the energy produced on the islands, was the islands' first source this month. Balearic renewable production grew by 23.8% in March compared to the same month of the previous year.

In the Canary Islands, the combined cycle was also the first source in March, with 43.8% of the total. Renewables and emission-free technologies reached a share of 16.8% of production, and the wind contribution was 12.4%.


Demand for electrical energy increases 1.9% in March

National electricity demand experienced an increase of 1.9% in March compared to the same month of the previous year. However, in the first quarter of 2024, Spain has registered a demand of 62,484 GWh, 0.6% less than in the same period of 2023.

In the Balearic Islands, electricity demand in March was 7.4% higher than that of the same month in 2023 once the effects of work hours and temperatures are taken into account. Thus, gross demand is estimated at 433,166 MWh, 4.5% more than in March of the previous year.

For its part, in the Canary archipelago, the demand for electrical energy grew by 4.9% compared to the same month in 2023. In gross terms, the demand was 737,266 MWh, 3.6% more.

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