The Cabildo of El Hierro completes the installation of 20 photovoltaic modules of 545W each and three 5 kW lithium batteries on the roof of the central building of the Institution in Valverde.
The installation of 20 photovoltaic modules, with an awarded budget of €23,694, "aims to adapt the main building of the island's institution to its global project, in line with its participation in Gorona del Viento SA, which promotes the use of clean and renewable energies among the citizens, companies, and institutions of the island of El Hierro," said the councilor of the Cabildo de Hierro.
It is a photovoltaic installation of 11 kW and three-phase 400 V voltage, which consists of a storage system in the building of the Island Council of El Hierro, with EDE grid service and surplus sale. The works have been carried out by the Tenerife-based company Juan Padrón, S.L., with a 45-day execution period. The installation has been carried out in the Central Building of the Institution, located in the town of Valverde.
The photovoltaic system consists of 20 monocrystalline solar panels of 545 W installed on a flat roof using a prefabricated concrete structure. The system has a 10 kW three-phase inverter, which achieves a maximum efficiency of 98.6%, along with a three-phase sensor for indirect consumption measurement in photovoltaic installations.
The system also includes a control module (BMS) for lithium battery charging in self-consumption installations. It consists of three lithium battery modules with 5 kW capacity. In total, the system has 15 kW of capacity combined in a single block.
Furthermore, the system includes a three-phase sensor for indirect consumption measurement in photovoltaic installations, from the Chinese brand Huawei and model DTSU666H.
On the other hand, the Cabildo explained that the 20 solar panels installed on the structure have been designed to generate a greater amount of solar energy and to shade the building, "which will reduce the interior temperature of it, and thereby minimize the electrical consumption of the ventilation devices inside, improving the comfort of the building, which will help in the comfort of the workers and users who are in the building," said the councilor of the Cabildo.