The Department of Territorial Cohesion of the Government of Navarra has given its approval to the implementation of a "hybridization photovoltaic solar park" in Corella. The project promoters will avoid having to build evacuation infrastructure associated with the new installation, because the proposed solar photovoltaic field (which will occupy 21 hectares) will take advantage - according to the regional Executive - of the evacuation infrastructure of the wind park, "from the SET El Montecillo 33/66 kV substation to the SET La Serna 400 kV substation, also sharing evacuation infrastructure with the Corral del Molino I and Corral del Molino II wind farms." All of this - concludes the Government - will mean "optimizing resources and improving the use of the wind farm's network access capacity."
The infrastructures object of the project are, on the one hand, the photovoltaic solar field called El Montecillo PV Hybridization, composed of two differentiated envelopes; and, on the other hand, the 33 kV underground evacuation line that will connect the PV park with the wind farm substation. "The project - the Government reports - is planned in an area that has already been subject to authorization for various renewable energy projects, both photovoltaic plants and wind farms."